26Apr, 2023 First Impressions First Impressions of the Quest for Excellence Conference® A few of our clients attended their first Baldrige Quest for Excellence (Quest) conference earlier this month. It was so much fun...
30Jan, 2019 The Importance of Frank, Two-Way... I’m always anxious to see the new revisions of the Baldrige Excellence Framework. Some of the changes seem rather insignificant at first glance, almost like wordsmithing. I remember when the...
7Jan, 2019 2019-2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework Has... It’s that time of year. Well, yes, that time of year, too, but I’m referring to the time of year when the Baldrige Excellence Program releases the latest revision of...
4Dec, 2018 Are You an Appreciative Leader? Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving, and that gave me the inspiration for this month’s “Baldrige blast.” We started to reflect on a common characteristic of so many of the leaders...
14Oct, 2018 Medical Science Meets the Art... "Evidence-based best practices so often cited in the literature require more than just clinical evidence. They also require the art of persuasion, as all change initiatives do. People change when...
30Jul, 2018 Culture and Employees Who “Fit” Getting Employees Who “Fit” Your Organizational Culture You’ve probably read the same statistics we have about the high costs of employee turnover. It has a lot of negative impact ranging...
1Oct, 2017 Change your culture Your Organizational Culture: What if "yes" is the right answer? We just got back from a terrific conference hosted by Partners in Performance Excellence (PiPEx), the Baldrige-based program serving Connecticut,...
1Aug, 2017 Organizational Agility Organizational Agility -- Does Your Organization Have It? One of the Baldrige Excellence Framework’s Core Values and Concepts is Organizational Learning and Agility. Let’s focus for now on agility. What...
1Jul, 2017 Is Your Organization Average or... Average or Excellent? The Baldrige Excellence Framework including the Scoring Guidelines asks organizations to assess their results against relevant comparisons. Why are comparisons important? If you think your organization is...
1Jun, 2017 Ready to Grow? Ready To Grow with the Baldrige Excellence Framework? Most organizations have growth as part of their strategy. Sometimes that growth is organic; at other times it occurs through mergers or...